Re-issue 2018: GeoTrust to DigiCert

Near the end of July 2017, Google Chrome created a plan to first reduce and then remove trust (by showing security warnings in the Chrome browser) of all Symantec, Thawte, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL-issued SSL/TLS certificates.This is due to concerns regarding Symantec certificates.

Google broke this timeline up into 3 important dates. December 1, 2017, March 15, 2018, and September 13, 2018. The first date, December 1, 2017, required no action from you. However, for the 2018 dates, you must replace affected certificates to avoid Google Chrome browser security warnings. 


You can read more about all of this on Symantec's blog

Required Steps

Once you decide on what domains you wish to update for compliance, follow these step-by-step instructions -- please follow them, and reach out to us at any time if you run into a problem.

  1. Generate a new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) for the new compliant SSL Certificate. Click on this link to find how to generate appropriate CSR for your server platform:
  2. Follow the instructions to generate the CSR
  3. Once the CSR is generated, test the new CSR by going to this link:
  4. If CSR tests correctly, paste the CSR code on an email to
  5. The WiscNet Service Success team will re-issue your new CERT
  6. An email from GEOTrust will be sent to you letting you know the order is being processed
  7. GeoTrust/DigiCerts will send you a final email with the new CERT
  8. Proceed with installing the CERT in your server

New Certificate info

Your SSL CERT will make your server domain compliant with the new standards of security adopted by web browsers like Google and Firefox. Additionally, the previous 3-year SSL certs are no longer available as part of the new standards. This means that if you have purchase a 3-year term SSL Cert, it will be re-issued for 2-years only.

How do I get help?

Email us at or call us at 608-442-6761, option 2