
This is not related to the mailing lists WiscNet sends out to its members with important information or about upcoming events. For questions about those emails, please contact WiscNet Member Success at membersuccess@wiscnet.net.

Mailing lists is a tool that allows people to manage distribution lists and facilitate discussion. This service is provided to members as part of WiscNet Membership. If you have any issues with the service or have any questions, please contact WiscNet support at support@wiscnet.net or (608) 442-6761, option 2. Please note that while this article uses the domain lists.wiscnet.net for the web interface, there are others that will still work. Even if you use a different domain to access the list portal, these settings will be the same.

Creating an Account

In order to manage lists owned or moderated by you or to participate in archives, you will need an account. When creating an account, if you sign up with the same email used to subscribe to a list, all lists which you are subscribed to will show up in the list index.

In the top-right corner of the page at https://lists.wiscnet.net/, click on the "Sign Up" button.

Fill out the form with your email, a username, and a password. You will be emailed a link to verify your email. You will need to do this before it is possible to use your account.

Once verified, you will be taken to the login screen where you will be able to log in. You can add additional e-mail addresses to your account settings at any time in the E-Mail Addresses tab of your account, if you need more than one email address.

Resetting Your Password

Forgetting your password is easy to do. If you need to reset your password, Click on the "Sign In" button in the upper-right corner of the page and click on the Forgot Password? link. You can also go to https://lists.wiscnet.net/accounts/password/reset/. To reset your password, simply enter your email address and follow the prompts.

Managing Subscriptions

Regardless of whether you are the owner, moderator, or simply subscribed to a list, once you have an account, you can manage your list subscriptions from within the list settings.

Clicking on a list will take you to the list info page which has a link to the Archives for the list, as well as the area to manage your subscription. The view to the right is if you are only a list member. If you are a list owner or moderator, other options will be available to manage the list. Those options are covered on the Mailing Lists: Administration page.

You can also get to the manage subscription page by going to the Mailman Settings at https://lists.wiscnet.net/mailman3/accounts/subscriptions/ or clicking on 'Mailman Settings' in the user dropdown menu in the upper-right corner of the page.

In Mailman Settings, it is possible to modify the default settings for lists.

Each tab allows you to set the settings for delivery and how your interactions with the lists appear to others. The Subscriptions tab has links to the List Info pages of lists you are subscribed to, owner of, or moderator of. The other three tabs set the settings of lists listed in the Subscriptions tab, but at different scopes.

The Global Mailman Preferences will apply to all lists unless you set different options in the Address-based preferences or List-based preferences. The Address-based preferences will apply to all lists subscribed to an email address, and List-based preferences apply to a single list. 

If you wish to use additional email addresses, this can be added in the E-Mail Addresses tab of your account.

Creating Lists

Creating new lists requires you to email support@wiscnet.net with the information to create the list. To the right is the form WiscNet support fills out when creating lists and is provided to help guide what to include when requesting a list.

  • List name: The name of the list

  • Mail Host: The list address, such as lists.wiscnet.net or mailman.wiscnet.net. This can also be a subdomain of your own domain, such as lists.example.com. You will need to insert a MX record to point traffic to lists.wiscnet.net in your DNS records if you choose to do this. If there is already a MX record for a domain level, you will not be able to use that here. For example, if your email is @example.com, you will not be able to have the lists have an address ending in @example.com. However, if you don't have any emails already for @lists.example.com, that is an acceptable domain to use. WiscNet also provides domains you can use as well if you would prefer. They are:
    • lists.wiscnet.net
    • newlists.wiscnet.net
    • lavos.wiscnet.net
    • mailman.wiscnet.net
    • mail.wiscnet.net

  • Initial list owner address: This will be set to your email address unless you specify otherwise.

  • Advertise this list: By default, we will set this to 'Hide this list in the list index'. Setting this to 'Advertise this list in the list index' will make the list visible on the list index without logging in.

  • List Style: This will always be set to 'Ordinary discussion mailing list style.'

  • Short Description: If there is a short description you would like us to add at the time of list creation, we can add it here. This can be modified at any time in the list settings for the list.

List Archives

Archives store all messages from a mailing list in a common area. They can be found at https://lists.wiscnet.net/archives/. These archives go back to when this service was first launched in 2005, as all old data has been ported over. Unless the list owner has turned off archiving of a list, all messages that are sent to a list are stored here. You will be able to see all public list archives as well as those that you are either a member of, owner of, or moderator of. If you are the owner of the list and wish for the archives to be removed, please reach out to support@wiscnet.net. To have the list made private, refer to Making Archives Private.

Clicking on a list allows you to view previous messages, search for a specific thread, see the posts you have made, as well as post new threads or reply to existing ones. At this time, it is not possible to remove threads or messages posted to the archive. The only way to remove anything within the archive of a list is to have the entire archive of the mailing list removed. To have this done, please reach out to support@wiscnet.net.

List Administration

Common Administrative tasks for managing lists can be found on the Mailing Lists: Administration page.

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